+94 11 253 8512

Model by location

Engagement Models

Pragmatic Test Labs offer flexible engagement models suited for individual clients. We will ensure your software is tested on time within the allocated budget. PTL will recommend you a suitable model after understanding the desired outcome from the software testing and other project dynamics.


Model by location

On-site testing

Our test engineers are deployed at your office and seamlessly integrate with your software development/testing team. Our team is capable to adapt to your internal process, tool etc quickly. You will manage the resources directly.

PTL can replace the testers or provide additional resources if required with a sufficient notice period.

Off-site/Near shore testing

This is feasible when we have a office near to your office. Our team can come to your office for kick-off meeting, requirement clarifications, process/tools training, product demos etc. Most of the testing related work is done from our office located nearby.

Off-shore testing

This model is cost effective for most of the engagement where our testers work remotely from our offices. The work is closely monitored by a senior test consultant to ensure quality of the testing and adherence to the processes.

We will provide a local contact person to avoid any issues related to communication and time-zone gaps. Our local representative will have constant touch with the client and offshore testing team.

Hybrid model

We are open to come up with a customized working model suitable for you. We respect your investment and ensure we deliver value for each and every engagement.

Date: September 27, 2000