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Keyboard shortcuts in JMeter are keys or combinations of keys that provide an alternative way to do something that you’d typically do with a mouse while building a test plan in JMeter IDE.

We will start the post with common keyboard shortcuts available through most of the IDEs. Customization of the keyboard shortcuts is discussed later. List of references used for improving the content and coverage are listed at the end for further reading.


Use Command on Mac and Ctrl for Windows  

Ctrl + CCopy
Ctrl + VPaste
Delete keyDeleted the selected componentsAll child components will be deleted
Ctrl + XCut the selected elementAll child components will be cut
Ctrl + Shift + CDuplicate Node
Ctrl + HHelp Open reference documentation of the selected component in the web browser.
Ctrl + DDisable debug
Ctrl + Shift + DEnable debug
Ctrl + Shift + F1Function helper dialog
Ctrl + minus Collapse all(Minus (“-”) in the num key does not work )
Ctrl + Shift + minus Expand all (Minus (“-”) in the num key does not work )
Ctrl + RStart the test plan
Start with no timers
Ctrl + Shift + RStart remote all
Ctrl + period Stop the test
Ctrl + commaShutdown the test
Alt + XStop remote all
Alt + ZShutdown remote all
Ctrl + FOpen find/search dialog
Reset search
Ctrl + TToggle Enable/Disable the selected component(s).
All child elements will be affected
Ctrl + GSave node as an image
Ctrl + Shift + GSave the screen as an image
Ctrl + LOpen a new test plan
Ctrl + OOpen an existing test plan into JMeter IDE
Ctrl + SSave the test plan
Ctrl + Shift + SSave the test plan as
Ctrl + QExit JMeter IDE
Ctrl + MSelect SSL Manager (set “” property)
Ctrl + / or Ctrl + ASelect all components in the tree / in the num key does not work
Ctrl + ZUndo Work only within components’ editor window.
Does not work in the test plan tree
Ctrl + YRedo Work only within components’ editor window.
Does not work in the test plan tree
Ctrl + E Clear allClear test results in all the listeners
Ctrl + Shift + EClear Clear the test result in selected listener
Right arrowExpand the selected node
Left arrowCollapse the selected node
Up arrowMove cursor one element up from the current selected item
Down arrow Move cursor one element down from the current selected item
Home key Move to the Test Plan component
End KeyMove to the last component visible in the tree
Page Down KeyMove one screen up in the component tree A component in the tree should be selected
Page Up KeyMove one screen down in the component treeA component in the tree should be selected


Additional hotkeys are included into JMeter to add mostly used components into the test plan tree. These shortcuts were available from JMeter version 3.0.

In this section, we will list the default shortcuts available. Use Command+0 .. Command+9 on Mac.

Shortcut Function Note(s)
Ctrl + 0Add a normal Thread Group into the test plan
Ctrl + 1Add a HTTP Request component to the selected Thread Group A Thread Group should be selected.
Ctrl + 2Add a Regular Expression Extractor
Ctrl + 3Add a Response Assertion
Ctrl + 4Add a Constant Timer
Ctrl + 5Add a Test Action to the selected Thread Group
Ctrl + 6Add a JSR223 PostProcessorThis shortcut did not work in JMeter 4.0
Ctrl + 7Add a JSR223 PreProcessor
Ctrl + 8Add a Debug Sampler to the selected Thread Group
Ctrl + 9Add a View Results Tree

Configuring Shortcuts

It is possible to configure the shortcuts to add mostly used components into the test plan tree. It can be done by changing the gui.quick_XXX property in the bin/ file.

  Boundary Extractor  post processor is added to Ctrl + 2 shortcut

 Ctrl + 6 shortcut is not working

Configure the file with valid class names of the components and save the file.

Restart JMeter after doing any changes to the property file to see the effect of the changes.

It is a best practice to introduce the changes (property name and value)  into the file without doing any changes in file. We shall preserve the original content in the file.  

The property file(s) should be saved and JMeter should be restarted to see the effect.

Class name of the components

You need the class names associated with the components to add them to the property file. The following will list the class names of some of the most used components.

Component nameClass name
HTTP RequestHttpTestSampleGui
Java RequestJavaTestSamplerGui
Test ActionTestActionGui
Logical controllers
Runtime ControllerRunTimeGui
Transaction ControllerTransactionControllerGui
Interleave ControllerInterleaveControlGui
View Results TreeViewResultsFullVisualizer
Simple Data WriterSimpleDataWriter
Summary ReportSummaryReport
Configuration Elements
CSV Data Set ConfigCSVDataSet
Simple Config ElementSimpleConfigGui
Response AssertionAssertionGui
Duration AssertionDurationAssertionGui
Gaussian Random TimerGaussianRandomTimerGui
Synchronizing Timer SyncTimer
Constant Throughput Timer ConstantThroughputTimer
User ParametersUserParametersGui
Sample TimeoutSampleTimeoutGui
Boundary ExtractorBoundaryExtractorGui
Regular Expression ExtractorRegexExtractorGui

Please refer to the JMeter API documentation for all the class names associated with the components. You shall add frequently used components into the custom shortcut list for efficient test plan building.

You cannot incorporate keyboard shortcuts with JMeter plugins.

REFERENCES (2018). Apache JMeter Keyboard Shortcuts – DZone Performance. [online]

Available at: [Accessed 25 Apr. 2018]. (2018). Keyboard shortcut. [online]

Available at: [Accessed 25 Apr. 2018].

GitHub. (2018). JMeter. [online]

Available at: [Accessed 25 Apr. 2018].

JMeter VN. (2018). The shortcuts in JMeter. [online]

Available at: [Accessed 25 Apr. 2018]. (2018). Apache JMeter – History of Previous Changes. [online]

Available at: [Accessed 25 Apr. 2018]. (2018). Apache JMeter API. [online]

Available at: [Accessed 25 Apr. 2018]. (2018). Keyboard shortcuts in Windows. [online] Available at: [Accessed 25 Apr. 2018]. (2018). JMeterShortcuts – Jmeter Wiki. [online]

Available at: [Accessed 25 Apr. 2018].

Author: Janesh Kodikara

Performance Tester | JMeter Trainer | Software Testing Service Provider